Leverage Data Virtualization to Protect Data Privacy and CCPA in Retail (US)

October 07 2020 2PM ET

To prepare for the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), companies will need a comprehensive view into all of the data related to individual consumers and a way to establish security control over entire infrastructure from a single point. Of all the data management technologies, Data Virtualization offers capabilities best suited to enable companies to quickly and easily comply with CCPA without investing into new Hardware or rebuilding existing systems.

Join Orgspire and Denodo to learn how retail organizations can use Data Virtualization for seamless CCPA compliance, including:

  • Fine-grained Security and Complete Auditability
  • Eliminates Unnecessary Data Movement
  • Secures Data-at-rest and Data-in-motion
  • Access to the most up-to date data through real time access to data sources
  • Results in fewer copies of personal data
  • Full auditing and monitoring capabilities, including logs of which users view which data

We’ll have a live Q&A and all participants can request a complimentary assessment. We look forward to seeing you online.